20-Minute Full Body Home Workout
Get a full-body workout in just 20 minutes with this effective routine. No equipment needed! Target your major muscle groups and elevate your heart rate with this challenging circuit.
8/11/20241 min read
Warm-up (3 minutes):
Light cardio: Jogging in place, high knees, butt kicks.
Dynamic stretches: Arm circles, leg swings, torso twists.
Workout (15 minutes): Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, resting for 15 seconds between exercises. Repeat the circuit 2 times.
Squats: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, lower your body as if sitting back into a chair. Keep your back straight and knees aligned with your toes.
Push-ups: Start in a plank position, lower your body until your chest touches the ground. Push back up to the starting position. Modify by doing them on your knees if needed.
Lunges: Step forward with one leg, lowering your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Push back up to starting position and repeat on the other leg.
Crunches: Lie on your back with knees bent, hands behind your head. Lift your upper body towards your knees.
Plank: Hold your body in a straight line, supported by your forearms and toes.
Burpees: Start in a standing position, then lower yourself into a plank. Jump back into a standing position, and finish with a jump.
Glute bridge: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the ground, forming a straight line from shoulders to knees.
Mountain climbers: Start in a plank position. Bring your knees alternately towards your chest.
Tricep dips: Use a chair or couch. Place your hands on the edge, legs extended in front of you. Lower your body until your elbows form a 90-degree angle, then push back up.
Bicycle crunches: Lie on your back with hands behind your head, knees bent. Bring your right elbow to your left knee, then switch sides.
Cool-down (2 minutes):
Hold a plank for 30 seconds.
Static stretches: Hold a hamstring stretch, quad stretch, and calf stretch for 30 seconds each.
Remember: Listen to your body and modify the workout as needed. For added challenge, increase the number of repetitions or sets.
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